Thursday, October 15, 2009

Drama of today Chinese Paladin 3 (仙剑奇侠传3)


神将军飞蓬与魔将军重楼因两界的冲突而屡屡交手,一直难分胜负,两人逐渐有惺惺相惜之意。 God and the devil General General Erigeron due to re-floor, two community conflict often fighting hand to hand, has been difficult to decide who will win, the two there is a growing sympathetic meaning. 重楼提出要和飞蓬在自己发现的一处新仙界中决斗,一较高下,飞蓬碍于神界天规而犹豫再三,最终经不起重楼诱惑而答允。 Proposal to re-floor, and Erigeron found in their new Xianjie in a duel, a relatively high, the Erigeron days because of the spirit world rules and hesitated and ultimately can not withstand the temptation to re-floor, but agreed.   两人势均力敌,比试旷日持久,最终惊动了天庭,天帝派兵捉拿飞蓬问罪,飞蓬因感知到追兵将至而分心,佩剑被重楼打落人间而落败……   飞蓬被神界问罪贬为人,经过多次转世成为渝州唐门新安当铺伙计景天。 The two are evenly matched, a test of protracted and ultimately alerted the heaven, the Emperor of Heaven to send troops capture Erigeron vindictive, Erigeron approaching from behind because of perceived distraction, saber was knocked earth floor, while losing weight ... ... Erigeron vindictive spirit world has been demoted Wei Ren After several pawn shops in the reincarnation of a boy Sedum Yuzhou Xinan Tang Men. 同时,重楼自魔界窥探人间,偶然发现飞蓬的转世如此卑微平凡,心中动念想要帮助景天,于是来到人间,滋扰蜀山,想要帮飞蓬找回佩剑,无意中毁坏了锁妖塔,偶然得到了飞蓬在人间第一世——姜国太子龙阳铸炼的魔剑。 At the same time, re-floor, since the Devil get a glimpse humans, accidentally discovered the reincarnation of Erigeron so humble ordinary read want to help move the hearts of Sedum, so come to earth, nuisance Shushan and want to help Erigeron back saber, inadvertently damaged the lock demon tower, and occasionally has been canadensis in the world and first world - JIANG Lian Prince Edward Long Yang Road cast of Shadowbane.   景天得到魔剑的同时,结识了唐门小姐雪见,从此改变了自己的生活。 Sedum get Shadowbane the same time, the acquaintance of Miss Tang Men hsuehchien since then has changed their lives. 一开始被卷入雪见家族的内部斗争以及唐门和霹雳堂的争斗之中,而后遇到蜀山弃徒长卿及其未婚妻『紫萱』,走上了协助蜀山寻找五灵珠,封印锁妖塔的漫漫征途。 1 began to be involved in hsuehchien the family's internal struggle and Tang Men, and Charlie Hall into battle and then face-ching and his fiancee Shushan disposable leggy 』『 Zi-xuan, embarked on to help find five Shu Ling Zhu, seal lock demon Tap the long journey. 一直隐藏在魔剑中的鬼魂化身而出,竟然是景天前世龙阳的妹妹龙葵。 Shadowbane has been hidden in the embodiment of the ghosts out of Sedum past life Long Yang Road turned out to be the sister of Solanum nigrum. 几个人的情爱纠葛,生离死别反复交织纠缠,雪见的离奇身世,紫萱不为人知的秘密,龙葵长久以来的心中愿望……伴随着人类与妖界死生存亡的争斗,而其实人的欲望,才是所有纷争的本源。 Few people love disputes, life to death repeatedly intertwined entangled hsuehchien's bizarre life experience, Zi-xuan little-known secret, Solanum nigrum long-standing desire to ... ... along with the hearts of humans and demon world death struggle to survive death, but in fact people's desires, is the origin of all disputes.


演员Actor: Actor Actor:

Comment: the show is not as nice as part 1, maybe this part got to many role. therefore the story feel me a feeling of jumping around, then the actress also not so chio compare to the part 1. i give 7 out of 10 for the story, improve of song, the amini, and touching part will make it abit more high score.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Back Blogging - Drama of today 紫玫瑰 (ROSEATE LOVE)

i am back to blogging, but most likely will only post thing i like. so no more personal life most likely.

Drama of today - 紫玫瑰 (ROSEATE LOVE)

故事大綱 - Story outline

Wang purple, underground bands "future people" super-agent, sweet, pleasant, be careful not lost a band of the most important Demo tape. 想追垃圾車卻追不上,還差點被機車撞,索性跳上機車要騎士甯子達載她去追垃圾車,展開了一場邂逅…… Xiangzhui garbage trucks can not catch up, but also came close to being hit by motorcycle, simply jump on motorcycle Knight Yasuko to set her up to chase the vehicle, and began a Chance ... ...

這是一場熱情女孩與冷酷男孩的浪漫愛情故事…… This is a warm and romantic girls and cool boys love story ... ..

主要演員 - Main Cast

Liang Yin 梁文音 act as 王小紫 Wang Zi 小紫 、 9號臉 Small purple, face No. 9

21歲,雙魚座「未來人」樂團的全方位經紀人,買便當飲料打雜等事,不用等林諾開口,一人通通包辦,超高檔飯店的超高級PUB的超優質服務生一枚。 21 years old, Pisces "future people" all-band agent, buy a lunch box drinks and do odd jobs such thing and not so open Pavilion, one arranged them altogether, ultra-high-end hotels PUB super-ultra-high quality services to health one. 因為「未來人」樂團在這裡駐唱,可以就近追星做粉絲,又可以打工賺錢,對她來說就是賺到了。 Because the "future" and bands here Zhuchang, you can do the nearest star-chasing fans, but also can work to earn money for her it was earned.
*出生日期: 1988年 10月28日 *首播日期: 2009年 7月12日 (20歲) [2] * Date of birth: 1988 October 28 * premiere date: 2009 July 12 (20) [2]
*血型:O型 * Blood Type: O Type
*服務部門:餐飲部*職稱:外場服務員 * Services: Food & Beverage * Title: field Attendants

Huang Teng Hao 黃騰浩 act as 甯子達 Yasuko up 假面超人 、 大魔王 Waking, big devil

25歲,魔羯座十五歲那年搖身變成王子集團的私生子、未來的接班人。 25 years old, Capricorn 15 years old and running in become the illegitimate son of the Prince Group, the future successor. 在名義上的養母林晶晶嚴苛要求下,學生生涯一路品學兼優,畢業後進入家族企業,林晶晶卻要他從飯店基層做起,直到能力獲得她認可為止。 In the name of the adoptive mother Lin Jingjing stringent requirements, the student life the way high academic achievers, graduates entered the family business, Lin Jingjing he wants from the hotel at the grassroots level, until the ability to obtain recognition until she was. 所以目前到集團旗下飯店的PUB擔任服務生。 So now to the Group's hotel PUB as a service.

Wong Pak Kwan 黃柏鈞 act as 甯杰飛 Bollinger Fei

24歲,水瓶座原本是知名企業王子集團的獨生子、嫡傳的接班人,怎知,在十四歲那年殺出一個同父異母的大哥─甯子達,讓他頓失寵愛,二十四歲父親病逝後,正式進入甯家王子企業,掛名執行副總。 24 years old, Aquarius was originally the Prince Group, the only son of well-known enterprises, Di Chuan's successor, it turns out, at 14 years old blaze a half-brother ─ Yasuko up, so that he will lose favor, 24 year-old father passed away, the formal entry into the Prince of Ning at home business, executive vice president in name only.

許瑋甯 Christmas Ning act as MINA MINA 米娜 Mina

20歲,處女座自小遭到母親遺棄,與甯子達出身同一間育幼院的她,一直認為心目中的子達哥不會忘記她。 20-year-old mother of Virgo have been abandoned by a young age, and Yasuko up to the same origin, orphanages, she always thought that the eyes of a child Dage will not forget her. MINA擁有遺傳自母親的好歌喉,但由於對母親的愛恨矛盾,讓她非常痛苦,直到在林諾和小紫激發之下,才發現自己真心愛上唱歌。 MINA has inherited from the mother, a good singing voice, but because of the mother's love-hate conflict, so that she was suffering, until under the Pavilion and the small purple excited, they find themselves really love to sing.

Video of the drama

梁文音 愛一直存在

哭過就好了 - 梁文音